The shop was closed after rushing to sell? There are quite a few Amazon sellers recently recruited
3 min readFeb 27, 2021


Recently, several sellers are telling me that their stores have been blocked.

These sellers have one thing in common: new sellers, unbranded, followed by selling, and then rushing to sell.

Then I communicated with other sellers around me. They also heard a lot of similar things. It seems that this phenomenon is more recent recently.

The Amazon emails received by these blocked shops are also consistent:

In the above Amazon email, we can see a sentence in the red box: Placing false orders delays the inventory of competitors.

Does this sentence sound familiar? Isn’t this the Pending method that is commonly used to sell software.

The so-called Pending refers to the short-term “order waiting” state caused by the docking between the Amazon system and the banking system after Amazon customers pay for the product.

Under normal circumstances, this status will change to an order completion status within 15 minutes to 1 hour.

However, there are also abnormal situations, so the Pending time of this order will be longer.

A lot of selling and selling software captures the principle of Pending, and uses the Pending method to continuously buy the inventory of the follower, so that the follower will eventually have no inventory to sell.

This kind of operation logic seems to work, but in fact it implies a huge store risk.

First of all, the buyer account credit cards used for Pending others’ inventory are basically virtual cards, and some are even black cards.

These credit cards were originally within the scope of Amazon’s focus, and the software only selectively Pending and sells your sku, but ignores your sku inventory, then it is not surprising that you receive the above email.

The conclusion in the email is very clear: You are suspected of placing false orders and delaying your competitors’ inventory.

This is not just to be clear, but because you Pending someone else’s inventory, you closed your shop.

This is one of the risks of this type of software, and it is also the risk that hits the seller the most.

There is also the risk of doing useless work.

This risk will not cost you the shop, but it will cost you time and a little money.

Nowadays, many follow-up sellers are already professional follow-up sellers, and many people even specialize in doing this.

They will set the maximum purchase quantity, and will use the software for automatic follow-up and automatic replenishment.

Therefore, this Pending method basically has no effect on this kind of professional follower.

Then you also wasted the money to buy the software in vain.

In addition, Amazon’s system detection is also very good now. Many virtual credit card purchase orders directly enter Amazon’s warning system after placing the order.

If the order is not paid within ten minutes, the Pending order will be automatically released, and the locked inventory of the order will be automatically released.

Amazon is not closing stores across the board for such incidents, and many sellers have just received warnings.

Amazon’s wording is also very harsh: if this happens again, we may deactivate your account.

This is tantamount to an ultimatum. If your account has any other violations within the next three months, the probability of this account being blocked is very high.

Many sellers may have doubts in their hearts. I am rushing to sell. I am on the side of justice. Why would Amazon punish me?

In fact, this is because you are not yet familiar with Amazon’s rules.

Amazon originally allowed follow-up behavior to exist, but this behavior must be carried out within the red line prescribed by Amazon.

This is why some brand sellers never harass the seller.

If he comes to harass, the brand seller can report directly in the back office. Soon, after ten minutes, the follow-up will be gone, and the follow-up’s account will be dangerous.

Therefore, Amazon is here to give you the answer.

What should I do if I want the most effective way to prevent my products from being sold? That is to register trademarks and brands.

This is currently the most effective way to catch up with sellers. Other methods such as testbuy, pending, etc., have very limited effects on some professional sellers.

Hope this article can give you some useful ideas.

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