How to prevent follow-up after Amazon trademark registration
4 min readOct 15, 2021


After registering the trademark and filing the trademark, can I not be sold? I met some scum sellers, and they woke up in the middle of the night and played cat and mouse. What should I do if my follow-up sales pop up? If I complain to Amazon through the background, Amazon’s customer service ignores and does not deal with it. What should I do?

What I want to explain here is that a registered trademark is only the first step in listing protection. It is not a registered trademark and the filing can be done without any worries. There are still many things that need to be done.

Generally speaking, after registering the trademark and completing the filing, when you find that the listing is being sold, you should send an email warning to the follower as soon as possible. Listing will be removed from the shelves.

For sellers who ignore the warning and continue to stubbornly follow the sales, the listing creator can quietly place a Test Order with his account. During the ordering process, there is no need to make a statement, and the recipient address can be filled in any site local Address, when you see the follower’s delivery, don’t rush to notify the follower that you have made a test order, etc., wait a few days before you notify the follower (in case the follower turns on your own Place an order at the store and fill in the address with the address you filled in the test order).

If the seller is still indifferent to your test order, you can submit the order number and product picture to the platform customer service and complain about selling “fake goods” with the seller. Attention, it is selling fakes! As for the product not received, you know how to take pictures of the product.

If the platform customer service removes the buyer’s listing based on your complaint, the result is naturally gratifying, but in many cases, Amazon customer service may reply due to insufficient evidence provided by you, unclear email content, etc. You “I regret that, based on the evidence you provided, we decided not to delete this listing after evaluation” and so on. In the face of this result, don’t be discouraged. We can take other methods to continue to expel followers.

1. If your trademark certificate is already in hand, you can file a complaint with Amazon as the trademark holder: I am the right holder of the XX trademark, and we have always appreciated the protection of intellectual property rights, patents and trademarks made by the Amazon platform. The efforts made by your platform are obvious to all around the world. In the process of maintaining brand equity, we found that some merchants on the Amazon platform are selling our brand products. We are very happy that our products can provide convenience to the lives of Amazon users. During the verification process, we found that our brand is being sold. The sellers of products A and B. Family A is a legitimate distributor authorized by us, and Family B is a seller who sells fake products without authorization. We hate this kind of infringement of our rights and interests. We hope that Amazon can take action. To prohibit such violations, we have collected evidence on the current situation, and will decide whether to take further legal actions based on your platform’s response.

2. If you have not obtained the trademark certificate, you can also send a warning email to the follower if Amazon does not handle it: We are the holder of the XX trademark and have already filed the trademark on Amazon. , GCID number is xxx. In view of your infringement of our rights, we have filed a complaint with Amazon. This email only informs you. I believe you attach importance to Amazon’s trademark protection and also believe that you, as a seller, are responsible for maintaining account security. Pay attention to it, and hope that you will stop the infringement as soon as possible, so as to prevent the account from being removed from the sales authority. Such a loss is obviously not worth the loss. We have no intention to offend you, but we also hope that you can make the right choice. (Such emails can be sent directly in Chinese.)

Of course, even if the above methods are adopted, it may not be able to be effectively expelled. The forest is bigger and there are all kinds of birds. There are always some people who are not afraid of black belly.

Then, try the following methods:

One. If the seller is to ship via FBA, you can use a small number to shoot all of its products at one time (or multiple small numbers) before the daily sales peak;

2. If the other party ships the goods by themselves, choose the products shipped by FBA in the store, and use a small number to take all of them at one time every day;

3. Use a small account to place an order to sell your listing, leave the receiving address as the address of a local law firm, and then send an email to warn that the lawyer has been contacted a few days after the seller has shipped Its advance legal proceedings, etc.;

Fourth, use multiple trumpets to purchase other products in the follower’s store in multiple batches, and then apply for returns one by one, leave negative reviews (both Feedback and Review), and drag the other party’s account into the quagmire.

The wicked still need to be punished by the wicked, but the punishment process often “injures the enemy a thousand and hurts oneself 800”, so what should I do?

The best way to prevent follow-up sales is to cut into the upper reaches of the supply chain. From the product development stage, make some micro-innovations in product design, unique colors, unique styles, only you are unique, you can’t be copied

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