How does AliExpress increase the unit price of products?
5 min readMar 22, 2021


The most painful thing is not that there is no traffic, but that the daily traffic is tens of thousands, but the order volume has not increased!

As we all know: sales = traffic * conversion rate * customer unit price, so we need to pay attention to the overall conversion rate and customer unit price of the store while increasing the traffic.

Today we will talk about how to improve the conversion rate and customer unit price of AliExpress stores.

The first part, how to improve the conversion rate of AliExpress stores

Step1, store infrastructure optimization

The homepage is the store’s facade. It doesn’t need to be very fancy and exquisite, but you must give buyers a reason to click. Therefore, advertising space, product group, and home page recommended product settings are the key.

1. The product grouping keywords on the left side of the store should be attractive

Platform data shows that the more attractive the keywords in the product group name, the more clicks from buyers.

2. “Banner customization” in shops cannot be wasted

If you think that a custom banner is just a sign that welcomes buyers, then you are very wrong!

If your Banner link address is your shop homepage, then you are wasting this golden advertising space too much!

Sellers can use custom banners to promote your hot products to buyers; they can also use banners to create their own shop activities to increase the conversion rate of shop transactions.

3. Customize products on the homepage of the shop to attract buyers’ attention

The first thing a buyer sees when entering a store may directly determine his stay. How to raise the buyer’s interest in further clicking? Product sales and product discounts are both powerful tools.

4. Detailed product description should be professional

The buyer finally got to the Buy Now page, and asked him to contribute some dollars. At this time, professional product description is the key to prompt buyers to place orders.

Detailed product descriptions can enhance buyers’ desire to buy and reduce churn rate.

step2, event promotion

Although the consumption habits of overseas consumers are relatively mature, the event marketing independently designed by the stores can still greatly promote the attraction of overseas consumers and increase their purchase conversion rate.

Except for a few industries or products with great demand, we recommend that sellers and friends should regularly design independent marketing activities of the store (including single products or store activities, or consider combining official It can be operated together with activity resources).

In this regard, the AliExpress platform also provides some useful tools for sellers and friends:

1. Limited time limited discount

Limited time limited discount is a store marketing tool for sellers to independently select event products and event time, set promotional discounts and inventory. Using different discounts to push new products, create explosive products, and clear inventory is a favorite tool for sellers.

2. Full store discount

Full shop discount is a sales promotion rule set by sellers on the basis of their own customer unit price that the system automatically deducts $Y for orders over $X, which can stimulate buyers to buy more and increase the customer unit price.

3. All store coupons

Store coupons are set by the seller to set the discount amount and usage conditions independently. The coupons used by the buyer within the validity period after receiving it can stimulate new buyers to place orders and old buyers to buy back, increasing the purchase rate and customer unit price.

4. Discounts throughout the store

Store-wide discount is a discount tool that can set different discounts for the whole store in batches according to product groupings, which can help sellers quickly increase traffic and sales in a short period of time.

Step3, customer service consultation

The timeliness of international logistics is not as high as that of domestic ones. Sellers must not think that once the goods are sent, their tasks are completed.

More communication with buyers during the transaction (including goods in transit) can effectively control the occurrence of disputes.

1. How to communicate with buyers overseas buyers

At present, the buyer’s contact information on the platform mainly includes email, station letter, order message, and international station Wangwang.

Overseas buyers are more mature online shopping. At present, 70% of order buyers on AliExpress will pay directly to place orders without communicating in advance; many sellers with poor English use tools such as Google translation to communicate with overseas buyers. Communicate online.

2. Respond to buyers’ inquiries in a timely manner and maintain communication with buyers during the transaction

Only if the buyer responds within 24 hours of sending the inquiry, can the inquiry become a real order with the greatest probability!

Platform data shows that more than 90% of orders generated by buyers through email inquiries are responded to within 24 hours of the buyer’s inquiry. Click to view>>How to reply to AliExpress inquiry?

3. Evaluation after the transaction is completed

Everyone knows that store evaluation is very important in online transactions. It is a symbol of the credibility of stores and products in the buyer’s display.

The second part, how to increase the unit price of AliExpress

Buyers who have shopped on Taobao will find that they have bought a lot of things unknowingly. Why? Because Taobao sellers have very good marketing methods. In addition to various store activities, the matching sales of various products also increase the unit price of customers. Made great contributions.

In fact, these methods are also applicable to AliExpress.

Step1, product related recommendation

The product interlinking tool is a tool that can insert other product information in the store into a product detail page, which can provide buyers with more product choices, promote more purchases by buyers, and reduce buyer loss.

Step2, discount when full/coupon

Full shop discount is a sales promotion rule set by sellers on the basis of their own customer unit price that the system automatically deducts $Y for orders over $X, which can stimulate buyers to buy more and increase the customer unit price.

Store coupons are set by the seller to set the discount amount and conditions of use. The coupons used within the validity period after the buyer receives it can stimulate new buyers to place orders and old buyers to buy back, increasing the purchase rate and customer unit price.

Step3, how much is free shipping

Sellers and friends can cooperate with the shipping template and the full reduction tool to achieve the function of free shipping over US$.

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