Amazon title enlightenment: Amazon sellers turn to stand-alone action guide
7 min readSep 24, 2021


In the previous issues of Amazon’s title enlightenment, the importance of private domain traffic in cross-border e-commerce business has been popularized, the role and value of “brands” for cross-border e-commerce, and why independent sites are cross-border growth The second curve. All kinds of data and trends show that the layout of independent stations is now an excellent time.

Since the reason is good, it is better to act directly! In this issue, I will talk to you about a practical topic. What exactly do Amazon sellers need to do when they switch to independent stations?

Amazon transfers to an independent station, first from the concept

From Amazon to independent stations, sellers may not be as big as they imagined. Many Amazon sellers have accumulated mature supply chain resources, have their own on-site operation team, and have in-depth understanding of the commercial situation of a certain vertical product target market. These are extremely valuable experiences and will also play an important role in the process of building independent stations.

However, there are also differences in the operation of platforms and independent stations. If you take platform thinking for granted, it is naturally difficult to succeed.

The world view determines the methodology. Let’s first talk about how the concept should change if we want to cultivate the fertile soil of Independence Station.

Part → Global. The strong autonomy of independent stations means that each link needs to be grasped by itself. Shop decoration style, shopping process settings, product details page content, payment channels, logistics method selection… independent station sellers are required to start from the overall situation to plan the path for consumers to enter the independent station, as well as the complete shopping process carried out in the station. Overall planning, while optimizing the consumer experience, control costs and obtain higher returns.

Product → brand. According to marketing scientist David Ike, a brand can become an asset of a company. Out of trust in the brand, consumers will be less sensitive to prices, reduce the time for purchasing decisions, and become more sticky to the brand. The characteristic of independent stations is to encourage merchants to build their own brands, use brand power to break through the endless price wars between cross-border e-commerce, and build their own strong competitiveness.

Short-term detonation → long-term development. Compared with the platform, independent station is a longer-term business. The long-term can be understood from two aspects. First, compared to third-party platforms with built-in traffic, independent stations need to undergo a “cold start” process and continue to invest in a long-term perspective. Second, compared to the platform, the traffic introduced by independent stations can be accumulated for a long time. After converting consumers into their own private domain traffic, and further retention, conversion and value mining, it will show longer-term value and form Constantly updated flow closed loop. Amazon title enlightenment: Amazon sellers turn to stand-alone action guide

After the concept is established, what preparation do sellers who want to get involved in independent stations need to make? Let’s first look at the difference between Amazon and independent stations.

Taking a physical store as an analogy, Amazon is like a supermarket. Sellers are suppliers. They need to pay entry fees and shelf fees to sell their products on supermarket shelves. At the same time, they plan promotional activities under the guidance and restrictions of supermarkets, which are mainly attracted Consumers who have entered the supermarket. The independent station is more like a branded store, you need to choose your own location to open a store, decorate, and you can freely organize various marketing activities to attract all potential consumers.

Therefore, we can extract the two biggest differences between independent stations and third-party platforms-the need to build their own stations and divert traffic. And this is exactly what Amazon sellers need to pay attention to when transferring to independent sites.

Station building tools-the cornerstone of independent stations

1. Selection of site building tools

There are currently three main ways to build an independent station:

1) Form your own team to develop the website;

2) Use open source programs such as WordPress, Magento, and Opencart to build;

3) Use the SaaS system to build a website.

The first two methods have certain technical thresholds and require a dedicated team for development and later operation and maintenance, which is costly for ordinary sellers. In the event of a surge in traffic during peak seasons, self-maintained systems are prone to servers that cannot withstand the traffic, causing serious losses.

The SaaS site building tool has already completed the complex underlying construction work in advance, and does not require the seller to have a code foundation, which greatly reduces the threshold for independent site building. When sellers use it, they only need to simply set up modules such as commodities, store decoration, and marketing methods according to their own needs, which is more suitable for platform sellers to transform into independent stations.

Even if there is a need for further upgrades in the future, the SaaS tool can automatically access the code without affecting the autonomy of the seller. It is a way to build a website that is both customizable and templated.

2. The key steps of SaaS website construction

Next, we will show how convenient it is to build a website using SaaS from a few important steps in building a website.

Products on the shelves: Sellers who transfer from Amazon to independent sites will definitely worry about this problem. How to transfer huge product data is actually not complicated to complete.

One-click batch import via CSV form

Amazon title enlightenment: Amazon sellers turn to stand-alone action guide

Use the plug-in “Skuowner” to grab products through plug-ins and URL links.

Amazon title enlightenment: Amazon sellers turn to stand-alone action guide

Shop decoration: The shop backstage is equipped with 30+ free theme templates, no additional art design and code writing are required, and you can directly enjoy best practices.

The editing page adopts the card decoration mode, and modules of different styles and functions can be added, dragged and deleted at will.

Amazon title enlightenment: Amazon sellers turn to stand-alone action guide

In addition, the corresponding holiday styles will also be launched during the shopping seasons for overseas consumers such as Halloween and Christmas. Merchants do not need to set up step by step, and can complete the change with one-click application.

Marketing promotion: The independent station backstage application market (Apps) is equipped with dozens of plug-ins, such as style combinations, bundled sales, coupons, pop-up windows, etc., to easily realize the various marketing needs of businesses, and a professional technical team is responsible for maintaining and developing more functions .

Amazon title enlightenment: Amazon sellers turn to stand-alone action guide

Drainage-the way of survival for independent stations

The independent station is “independent” precisely because it does not belong to any platform. Therefore, a pure independent station has almost no natural traffic. How to divert traffic has become an important homework for independent station sellers.

1. Traffic source

There are five common traffic sources for independent sites: Direct direct traffic, Search search traffic, Referral referral traffic, Social social traffic, and EDM email marketing. Compared with third-party platforms, there are more sources of traffic, and each channel has different forms of traffic flow.

2. Drainage method

Independent sites have a wide source of traffic, but they also pose challenges for cross-border sellers: how should they plan their limited energy and money to obtain the highest drainage benefits?

It should be noted that the drainage style has never been a template that can be fully borrowed from. All drainage work is planned according to the goals and requirements of different stages and the current cost that can be paid by itself. In terms of specific drainage methods, it can also be selected according to the types of goods sold and the needs of specific marketing activities.

Here are three methodologies from a macro perspective.

First, attach importance to materials.

Materials are an indispensable part of any drainage method. Common types of materials include products, models, usage scenarios, celebrities, evaluations, and so on.

The rise of short video content in the past two years has not only brought about a wave of current social media enthusiasm, but also demonstrated the “detonating power” of the content material itself. High-quality content marketing can trigger self-propagation by users of social platforms, and it is easier to achieve conversion. Some cross-border platform sellers used to have the concept of “emphasis on channels and light on content” in terms of attracting traffic. In fact, it takes two legs to walk. Channels and content cooperate with each other to move faster.

Second, adjust the strategy according to the timing.

The drainage strategy cannot be set in stone, nor should it be a blind attempt by the East and the West. Even if it is for the same platform, the drainage measures should be adjusted in time at different stages of development.

Take Facebook ads as an example. If users and material resources are abundant, you can directly place conversion ads; if there are few materials, you can focus on the homepage likes and attract attention in the early stage, accumulate the number of users first, and pave the way for subsequent conversions; and finally target the early pull Place remarketing ads for new and uncompleted conversions.

Third, analyze and review the market in a timely manner.

Almost all sellers will care about the results after the cost of drainage is invested. But in addition to the results, what is more important is to refine and analyze the nodes of each step of the transformation.

The backend of the independent station is connected to analysis tools such as Facebook Pixel, which can obtain data such as which pages have been viewed the most, how many people have placed orders in the shopping cart, and who have placed orders on the page but have not paid, etc., helping businesses to obtain more accurate audiences The group and the direction that consumers are interested in, so as to improve the construction and operation of independent stations, and optimize the consumer experience.

Conclusion: The vigorous platform “Title Tide” may only be a fuse. More importantly, such incidents are also leading sellers to think about whether changing platform rules will hinder their own development as the business develops and should they begin to form their own brand? The layout of independent stations is undoubtedly stepping into one The new track, but it does not mean that it is an unknown and thrilling jump for Amazon sellers. Rather than hesitating, it is better to seize development opportunities and open up the second curve of revenue growth!

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